What goes on...?

Tom Stanton tstanton at nationalgeographic.com
Sat May 3 06:19:02 CDT 1997

My god...entrepreneurs on the P-List! This is the very personification
of Milo Minderbinder. Where's an agent when you need one?!  

>At 01:05 AM 5/3/97 GMT, Mike Weaver wrote:
>[MASSIVE snip]
>>Meanwhile I propose a project.  My dubiously arrived at, but confidentially
>>held, opinion is that the p-list could set a fine example of the strength
>of the
>>collective  over the individual by writing our own on line "book",
>>( my  private working title - thinking,  y'understand, of
>> never alone with a ...) a tale of every (other?) day netizens momentarily
>>sp(ot)lit in the media glare,  pestered by a capitalist piglet -  about
>whom there 
>>are decidedly  Mixed Feelings,   caught in a post modernist tangle of
>their own 
>>making while  intent on little more than celebrating the public
>insubstantiality of 
>>their mentor and the poetic and philosophical substanceof his writing,
>(and the 
>>jokes and allusions too).

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