M&D/GR intersection (minor M&D spoiler)

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at afn.org
Sat May 3 17:11:18 CDT 1997

On Fri, 2 May 1997, Peter Petto wrote:
> Reverend Nevil Maskelyne was the fifth astronomer royal, who strongly
> promoted the lunar distance method for determining longitude against John
> Harrison's method that compared an accurate clock with Greenwich time to
> local noon. He published _Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris_ in
> 1766, updating until his death.

If my memory serves, the issue of determining longitude was central to
Umberto Eco's most recent novel, _The Island of the Day Before_.  


 M a x i m u s  D a v i d  C l a r k e | ATTENTION RAVERS!  THIS
          http://www.afn.org/~traveler | HERE'S MY *BOOM* STICK!
                 "Surrealist-At-Large" | --ZOROASTER, in "VVC:
                      traveler at afn.org | Ahannos--The Hands of Fate"

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