Anybody reeeeeeally like V.?

Sean Hoade shoade at
Sat May 3 19:17:16 CDT 1997

On Fri, 2 May 1997, Jules Siegel wrote his name in the snow in the latest 
stream of this endless pissing match, then wrote:

> Solder! Very small, flat tin can. Put him on the shelf, Sean! 

Hey, I'm one of the fishes here, Cap'n!  I'm just halfway through V. and a
third through Gravity's Rainbow, and Mason & Dixon is staring at me
lustily from the stacks at my local B&N (which drove the indies out of
South Bend, Indiana, BTW).  Calling me.  Then I read the posts here and
realize I'm really going to be depriving myself of a lot (repeated
characters, inside jokes) if I put them aside for M&D.  (acourse, I can
still *buy* it...)  So don't pressure me to do stock, OK Jules? :)

BTW, a question:  Is V. anyone's favorite of Mr. Pynchon?  I consider
myself pretty well read in contemporary fiction, but this is one of the
best goddamn books I've ever laid my hands on!  I know all are busy
reading way the hell ahead of where I am, but any thoughts?

           Sean A. Hoade             | "I think the brain is the most
          shoade at            |   wonderful organ in the body.
   Check out my outpost on the Web:  |    But look what's telling me that."     |                 -- Emo Phillips

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