M&D questions/observations - up to p.82
davemarc at panix.com
Sun May 4 10:23:48 CDT 1997
> From: still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made
<traveler at afn.org>
> (spoilers)
> 1. What about the frequent references to "Wapping?" First noticed on p.
> 52: "...the Hautboy-player having been one night absorb'd into that
> World of which Wapping is the anteroom..." Is this some sort of
> for death?
Maybe death, but maybe disappearance, too. My impression is that Wapping
might've been a place where hapless souls were crimped or shanghaied into
service on maritime expeditions. This kind of thing comes up in plays by
Eugene O'Neill. From the Gelb bio: Crimping "involved a conscious, if
somewhat muddled sailor; he was obliged to sign over his future pay to the
boardinghouse operator before his gear was released to him. Shanghaiing
consisted of putting a thoroughly drunk--or knocked out--sailor aboard an
undermanned vessel, in return for payment from the ship's master and
whatever cash the sailor could be robbed of." Or something to that effect.
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