GR/Pynchon newbie question

David Casseres casseres at
Mon May 5 11:57:38 CDT 1997

Origenes sez
>Can someone offer me any explanations as to what the Kirghiz Light is?  

One of those Grails Pynchon talks about so much that when you've finished 
the book and still not found out *what the fuck it actually is*, you 
become convinced you've missed a whole passage.  But no, it really isn't 
there.  Tchitcherine knows but you don't, na na na na naaa na!

I did notice, though, that after not being mentioned for a few hundred 
pages it suddenly gets mentioned again in the Raketenstadt passage near 
the end of the book, and it's in close conjunction with two other Lights: 
the fires of the Rocket, and the glare of the Bomb.


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