Reading (was Re: cinco de mayo)

Henry Musikar gravity at
Wed May 7 07:59:13 CDT 1997

Any interest to the virtual exclusion of all other interests is "too 
much." In 'merica, we have a word for academic monomaniacs: 
"nerds," but we call monomaniacal sports fans/participants "jocks."

The first advice I give a would be writer is that they need 
life experience, not just words; they gotta walk the walk 
before they talk the talk. Methinks that TRP has, at least in times 
past (!), done his fair share of walking the walk.

On  7 May 97 at 9:42, Umberto Rossi <urossi at> wrote:
> "One can never read too much!"

Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy

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