M&D page 262

Dan Schmidt dfan at harmonixmusic.com
Wed May 7 12:58:29 CDT 1997

This may be common knowledge, but the tune Ethelmer plays, "To
Anacreon in Heaven," which "would be martial but for its Tempo, being
more that of a Minuet,--- thirty--two Measures in all---", containing
a "Phrase ascending like a Sky-Rocket," is of course the British
drinking song whose music Francis Scott Key ripped off for "The
Star-Spangled Banner."  No Joak, foax.

The original Lyricks can be found at

                   Dan Schmidt --> dfan at harmonixmusic.com, dfan at alum.mit.edu
Honest Bob & the                   http://www.users.thecia.net/users/dfan/
  Factory-to-Dealer Incentives --> http://www.users.thecia.net/users/dfan/hbob/
            Gamelan Galak Tika --> http://web.mit.edu/galak-tika/www/

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