The List

Wed May 7 20:50:01 CDT 1997

Following all of this self-referential commentary with interest, but, like Vaska, having 
learned to keep lip buttoned in regard to certain topicks, i venture only to note that it's an 
illusion to think TRP's seclusion makes him *purely a writer*.  This is the postmodern 
world, Max, as you obviously well know from the drift of your thought.  TRP's seclusion 
makes him *the secluded* writer.  Not at all the *pure* writer.  Try as he and we might, 
TRP's *absence* is its own presence.  We--factor in--this knowledge when we read him; it 
affects how we read him, and what we read about him.  Would (as someone has noted) a 
certain book about to be published exist if this were not true?
john m
max writes:
>I personally admire TRP for his low profile.  I can only speculate as to
>his motives, but given the things he writes about, I imagine he may be
>trying to avoid becoming a mere "celebrity" of the modern media.  By his
>seclusion, he remains purely a writer, and must be understood by what he
>writes--not by how he looks on TV or on his book jacket photos, or what he
>says in book tour interviews.  Or maybe he's just shy.  In any case, it
>is distinctly refreshing!

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