Pynchon: The Puppet Show

Steve Lawson slawson at UDel.Edu
Thu May 8 07:50:41 CDT 1997

I am certainly planning on attending, and have actually been trying to get
in touch with these "Lost Art of Puppet" folks for the past week through
the Philly Borders PR guy. I am an aspiring (read "unpublished") freelance
journalist & I had hoped to do a profile on the group focusing on the
Pynchon performance. So far, I haven't been able to get a contact #,
either because the Borders guy is dragging his feet, or because the
Puppeteers want nothing to do with the likes of me.

Anyone have contact info they could pass on to me (through private email,
if you don't think the group would enjoy having a phone # posted to the
list)? Thanks.

Steve Lawson
slawson at

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