Famous couplesm (with a very minor spoiler)

Peter Giordano Peter.Giordano at williams.edu
Thu May 8 08:33:20 CDT 1997

He said:
>Still standing on the sidelines with the non-readers of M&D, but
>also moved to wonder:  what famous pairings should we associate
>with our privotal pair of M&D?  Amos and Andy?  Sonny and Cher?
>I believe Laurel and Hardy have been nominated already.  Rowan
>and Martin?  Lewis and Martin?  Lassie and Timmie?  Let's
>have more nominations, with supporting details!
I say:
Bob Hope and Bing Crosby have been mentioned by
several reviewers but I have to say (perhaps this is
a minor spoiler) after about 300 pages I just don't see
it  - Actually the development of the friendship seems
to be quite subtle and is one of the more serious
aspects of the novel (thus far)

Peter Giordano
Williams College
Williamstown, MA

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