Some finer points of grammar

Jeremy Osner jeremy at
Thu May 8 09:30:07 CDT 1997

> Alan wrote:  "This reminds me:  I've wondered about Pynchon's use of the
> word 'fuck'
> in M&D.  Was the word in pretty common use in those days?  Obviously,
> foax like Fielding and Sterne didn't use it in print, and Barth used
> 'swive' in _The Sot-Weed Factor_[1960].  What say ye, Academicks?"
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A few years back I volunteered at the Brooklyn Historical Society's
> library.  They had some old dictionaries, earliest I beleive was early
> 19th C Dutch-English, and the f-word was included.
> Richard Romeo
> Coordinator of Cooperating Collections
> The Foundation Center-NYC
> 212-807-2417
> rromeo at

It's interesting that many curse words are bleeped out (for instance
d---l), but fuck is not. Any thoughts?


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