PLNY Birthday Plan

Bruce Appelbaum Bruce_Appelbaum at
Thu May 8 14:51:22 CDT 1997

     I'll be there, but a little late, because I have to take the train.  
     How will we know each other?  Everybody carrying their copy of M&D?

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Subject: PLNY Birthday Plan
Author:  "davemarc" <davemarc at> at Internet
Date:    5/8/97 2:47 PM

Okay, just to move things along here.
Don Giovanni's at 6-6:15 pm.  Address:  358 W. 44.  They "specialize" in 
brick? oven pizza.  I'll be happy to make the reservations for anyone who 
wants to meet there--try to let me know by, say, 5?  

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