Scott Chesnick chesnics at
Mon May 12 07:17:34 CDT 1997

Washington Area PLISTers

 I have had a hard time making it to the recent Pynchon DC gatherings because of 
the usual confusion of work, family and the commute, but I still wanted to meet 
a few of the local Pynchophiles. I propose a 
Pynchon- PList- Picnic on the Mason / Dixon Line some weekend soon. I live about 
12 miles S West of Gettysburg, Pa. very near the "Line". There is a wonderful 
Victorian era park in Penmar ,Md . (PENnsylvania/MARyland) on the top of South 
Mountain. This is close to Camp David /Fort Ritche / Site-R and the only spot 
that the Virgin Mary has been sighted in North America (The Grotto of Lourdes).
 Plus it has a liquor store close by and the Federal Emergency Management Center 
(FEMA) in case things get out of hand i.e. there is some disaster - (running out 
of beer or hurricanes, scourges ,plagues, locusts, tidal waves or infestations 
of highway engineers.)
  There are some very nice picnic pavilions that overlook the entire Cumberland 
Valley - on a clear day - you can really see down to Harpers Ferry, W.Va.  and 
Winchester, Va. It is right on the Appalachian trail on the Mason Dixon line. It 
would be a pleasant drive  about 1 hour from the Beltway up Rt. 270 and Rt. 15 
N. A good excuse for a drive out to the country, fleeing from this chrome clad 
Capital city of the future and still unexplored section of Western Christendom.
   It would be an ideal place to have an outing. The picnic area has covered 
shelters that would prevent drenching ,if it rained. Should I try to put it 
together and reserve a picnic pavilion?
 I had taken Eric Wienstien up there when he was in D.C. last week he really 
liked the area . It certainly gave him some conception of what a task it was 
moving through and surveying William Penn’s great experiment in religious 
freedom. In that time in history the area was the primeval forest. It is still 
bordering on near wilderness being adjacent to the Michaeux State Forest. There 
are still black bear and bobcats in the area.
   What would one bring to a Pynchon/Mason Dixon covered dish dinner? Pemmican, 
beef jerky, Pennsylvania Rye Whiskey, hardtack,
beans ???. A sloe - eyed temptresses of doom and destruction.
 If anyone is interested in this please get back to me ,I think it would be a 
good time.
 Perhaps we could even have a Jules Seigel piniata? In honor of TRP's recent 

"May the Lord preserve and protect us...
Because we have been drinking whiskey for breakfast."

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chestnic at

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