GR Movie

Heikki Raudaskoski hraudask at
Mon May 12 12:12:25 CDT 1997

Eric wrote:
  Thomas wrote:
> >As I'm sitting in the library of the Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany
> >now I took the opportunity to check Kndlers Neues Literaturlexikon one more 
> >time. All it says is: Verfilmung (i.e. movie version): USA, 1978.
> Dear Tom,
> Perhaps this was the infamous Hannah-Barbaredbear-ina, Tex Avery-less
> 22-hour Bugs Bunny-as-Tyrone cartoon in Swiss German, only relased in China?
> I've heard tell of it 'pon my travels in Siberia by the mermaids who serve
> roasted suckling pig to visiting elves.
> But I'll tell you what, if you can 
> prove that this is more than idle mermaid speak, I offer one free nights
> accomodation, in either Antwerp or London, during IPW.
> Any interesting photos from Loch Ness, and I will up it to two nights.
> Ready to eat some humble pie,
> Eric Alan Weinstein

I witness to having seen that line in that German lexicon, which can also
be found at the Oulu Town Library where I worked as librarian for 3 years.

However, it might not be easy to find that movie. When I asked the sage
John Krafft about it long ago, he had heard of no such film. You still
haven't, John? 

Many of you may remember the band Humble Pie. But how many of you still
recall that there once was a band called Geordie? 


P.S. The ghostly rhetoric figure I mentioned in my message on Dickinson
and Pynchon is "prosopopoeia", not
got it?

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