Steve Lawson slawson at UDel.Edu
Tue May 13 22:36:46 CDT 1997

On Tue, 13 May 1997, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:

> Im open.  still would like to have a few at that Deer Park Inn, Newark

Actually, I live in Newark (that's DE, not NJ). My apartment is walking
distance from the Mason/Dixon line. When I moved to DE about a year ago,
I didn't know anything about the line--I thought it had to do with a Mason
vs. Dixon / North vs. South feud or something. 

As for the Deer Park; when I showed your message to my fiancee, she
wondered if you'd still be interested once you knew that the usual Deer
Park experience is elbowing drunk University of Delaware undergraduates
out of the way on "Nacho Nite." On a summer night, however, once the
students have gone home, it is a nice place to arrive early, get a spot on
the porch & have dinner & pints  of beer as the sun goes down. As an added
bonus, the Deer Park is on the corner of a very dangerous intersection,
and creative drivers often provide free entertainment .


Steve Lawson
slawson at

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