Puzo/Pynchon (not an obsession)

Jules Siegel jsiegel at pdc.caribe.net.mx
Wed May 14 08:53:04 CDT 1997

At 10:03 PM 05/13/97 -0400, Peter.Giordano at williams.edu (Peter Giordano) wrote:

>Investigating the Godfather connection  represents a legitimate research 
>problem - How can claims about a reclusive author be verified beyond 
>trusting the source of the claim - If somebody makes the claim that he
>or she inspired a bestselling novel and that fact  can be verified by a third
> party then that lends credibility to the other claims - I'll be getting
>a copy of the memoirs soon

When you do read The Godfather you might note that there's a Jules Segal in
it. Also, I'd suggest you find Saul Braun and ask him about it.

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Jules Siegel http://www.caribe.net.mx/siegel/jsiegel.htm
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