Portrait of America thru time

Ted Samsel tejas at infi.net
Wed May 14 09:28:33 CDT 1997

PdiF sez: 
> Kim Serkes's Burroughs quote made me flash on the famous 
> Robert Crumb poster that depicts in about 8 or 10 panels the
> devolution of one piece of America, starting with pristine
> square of wilderness and evolving thru settlers, towns, cities,
> sprawl, etc.  Seems to me that TRP has gleefully filled in 
> many of the latter panels for us, and is just now getting back
> to the early ones.
So you don't read much source material for 'Merkin History?
(i.e. Narratives & letters, surveyors logs, travelers journals
(like Fred L. Olmsted's travels through Texas in the 1850s..)

I confess to having done this while working with historical
& industrial archaeologists.

Ted Samsel....tejas at infi.net  *1997* Centennial of Bram Stoker's DRACULA
         "Home of the brave, land of the free,
          I don't want to be mistreated by no bourgoisie."
AAFOUF# 0000003                           Huddie Ledbetter

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