NP Somebody (was Re: IS...?)

davemarc davemarc at
Wed May 14 09:28:56 CDT 1997

Somebody types:
> Almost all of Henry Miller's first editions would be dismissed because
> were published by Maurice Girodias' Olympia Press, a publisher of
> pornography. So was Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. Even when Miller's work
> finally appeared in an American edition, it was published by Barney
> Grove Press....

The above is misleading.  Olympia Press premiered many of Henry Miller's
fictional works, but hardly published "almost all" of his work.  Many of
the Olympia works were, in fact, eventually published by Grove, but many,
many other Miller U.S. first editions were published by New Directions,
Capra, and other publishing houses.  


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