M&D thoughts -- no spoiler

Henry Musikar gravity at nicom.com
Wed May 14 14:35:25 CDT 1997

A couple of hour with your woman? When there's a new Pynchon book to 
read? :-)

On 13 May 97 at 7:53, Steven Maas (CUTR) <maas at cutr.eng.usf.edu> 

> I agree with all of this--but how in the hell do you all find one or
> two hours a day to read?  By the time I get home from work, eat
> dinner, and spend a couple of hours with my woman it's time to go to
> sleep.  And I


Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What, me worry? -- A. E. Newman

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