Hey, some of you, cut it out!--God damn it, please

Murthy Yenamandra yenamand at cs.umn.edu
Wed May 14 15:28:50 CDT 1997

David Casseres writes:
> [... ] When replying to a message in 
> a public forum, it is absolutely necessary to quote enough of what you're 
> answering so that people can pick up the context. [...]

The key word is "enough" - it seems to me that people should at least
give a passing thought to evaluate what and how much is enough to
provide context for their remarks, instead of quoting previous messages
in entirety without any editing at all. Of course it's a judgment call
to determine what's enough, but all we're saying is give it a chance.

Keep cool, but pare.


Murthy Yenamandra, Dept of CompSci, U of Minnesota. mailto:yenamand at cs.umn.edu
"It is of no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is
 our preaching." -- Saint Francis of Assisi

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