Lotion (a brief "review")
Kurt Revis
krevis at ugcs.caltech.edu
Thu May 15 03:32:25 CDT 1997
jester <jester at snet.net> sez:
>Well, I was rustling about in my favorite indie record shop this afternoon,
>and what do ya think I discovered... yep, Lotion's NOBODY'S COOL, with the
>famous liner notes of our own TRP. Well, I ended up getting it, and well...
>it's rather good. Anyone else on the list pick this up?
If any of y'all like "Nobody's Cool", be *sure* to check out Lotion's
previous (and debut), "Full Isaac". It's everything the later album
is, and much much more... better lyrics, better music (which jumps
farther over the stylistic map), and even more heartrending yet
sincere sentimentality. "Nobody's Cool" seems forced; "Full Isaac" is
a masterpiece.
The whole Pynchon connection is very odd, though. I introduced a
friend to "Full Isaac" by playing it practically every time I gave him
a ride somewhere; this was the same friend who had introduced me to
Pynchon (and who I finally cajoled into finishing GR). Finding out
months later that TRP was in fact a Lotion fan was rather...startling.
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