Sterne and M&D (minor spoiler Be Warned!)

andrew at andrew at
Thu May 15 18:48:00 CDT 1997

Origenes at writes:

> There have been a couple of postings on the reference to Sterne's Tristram
> Shandy. I have not read the book but I remember reading somewhere there is a
> section in there about clocks and the nature of time. Has anybody read it and
> seen any connections?

Clocks and the nature of life might be more accurate, a clock being
the first artifact to connive in Tristram's downfall (at his
conception no less). Read this book if you read no other (after
finishing M&D of course).

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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