V. question

andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Thu May 15 18:45:00 CDT 1997

Heikki Raudaskoski writes:

> As to the story's appearance on pynchon-l, it was Bob Orlowsky whose 
> "friend" had sent him the story, which he conveyed to the list on Tue,
> Nov 8, 1994, under the title "Pynchon as horndog". Right, Bob?

And it's in the archive if you want to see it.

Note also that `period' is potentially a 3-way pun, denoting

i) what we on this side of the Atlantic like to call the full stop
i.e. that punctuation mark which when placed after a single letter
indicates that it functions as an acronym.

ii) the time interval in which a mass oscillating under simple
harmonic motion performs one complete transit of its locus e.g. a yoyo
going up and down or the pendulum of an ornate mantle clock rotating
backwards and forwards or even a schlemiel travelling up and down the
East coast of the US.


iii) a historical age in which a given political, religious or social
order dominates. Like, say, the early mediaeval period when the church
militant was on the up and up and expressed it's ascension to greater
and greater glory by building clean simple monuments to God's glory
such as Mont St Michel. Or alternatively the subsequent period where
the worship of the Virgin reintroduced the clutter and disorder of
pagan ritual and produced sprawling temples like Notre Dame at

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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