Grandfather's Clock

Linda Highland lrgh at
Thu May 15 16:49:47 CDT 1997

Seems to me that Ruthsings "abridged" version IS the entire Lawrence
Welk rendition....if this is the case, who recorded the complete work?
HW himself?
(And Ruthsings--thanks for correcting my "fifty" years for the correct
"ninety"  The first thing I thought when I woke up at 5:30 AM this
morning is "I think I posted the wrong lyrics to "Grandfathers Clock" to
the Pynchon list last night!")
A feeble attempt to bring this back more closely tpo Pynchon--no chance
that a-and was inspired by the old a-one and a-two, hmmm?  Didn't really
think so.....

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