Time to lift the "spoiler" warning

jporter jp4321 at IDT.NET
Sat May 17 13:34:58 CDT 1997

I'm getting really tired and bored with the constraints of this convention.
I'll respect it as long as there is consensus, but give me a break,
already! Let's grow up. The list is difficult and chaotic enough, what with
all the incessant need of people to respond to off topic topics (which I am
not advocating the banning of). But those of us who are not really
interested in the convoluted, flipflopping chatter of people recognizing
eachother, as opposed to putting forth their considered opinion: good, bad
or otherwise, concerning some work of Pynchon, or even other writers,
current events- anything other than unnecesary banter (again, I'm not for
censoring), would appreciate the ability to discrimminate posts of possible

So I say, lets bag the spoiler warnings.

All in favor....


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