M&D p.349

j minnich plachazu at pop.ccnet.com
Mon May 19 11:39:25 CDT 1997

Todd writes:
>On p.349, the beginning of section 35, there is a lengthy quote attributed
>to (I assume) a book our humble narrator Revd. Cherrycoke wrote entitled
>Christ and History.  

Big elision here...

> The more and more I read (only about to p. 375 now) the more
>I am convinced that Cherrycoke can be read as more then a framing device; 
>I think his character seems to shed light into Pynchon's creative method.  
>Am I reading too much into this?  Watta ya think?

I noticed this too.  It's (perhaps significant that it's) right near the
center of the novel, where maybe TRP takes this opportunity to expound upon
his current theory of the novel.  It's also about the place where 1st person
narrative appears for the first time, I think.  First person was a bit
shocking, allofa sudden like that.  These are things I plan to attend to
more carefully on the second reading.  A-and (I haven't noticed any "A-and"s
yet in M&D, which means maybe we'll have to stop using it.) I'm up to page
370 now.          -j minnich                     

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