M&D pp485 spoiler. (fwd)

Brian Siano siano at cceb.med.upenn.edu
Mon May 19 19:35:45 CDT 1997

> I'm new here, but hadn't seen mention of this very obvious
> Star Trek reference.
> I haven't yet found any vulcans though.

	Cross-cuultural reference, ektually. Nimoy's said that when
they needed to come up with a Vulcan salute, he recalled watching the
rabbis use that gesture to bless the synagogue when he was a kid. (If
I recall, Nimoy said that the people were supposed to close their
eyes, but he peeked.) So, it really is hebraic, but most of us
recognize it from Trek.
	Still I had a giggle over it, and recalled the TV show Pynchon
described in _Vineland_: the all-black version titled "Hey, Jim,"
where the bridge crew went around giving each other high-threes.

Brian Siano - siano at cceb.med.upenn.edu
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