spoiler? 200 to be safe

Unknown User RAYGONNE at pacbell.net
Tue May 20 00:03:57 CDT 1997

dennis grace wrote:
> Perhaps calling this capitalization convention "18th century" is misleading.
> I have reproductions of several 18th century works--Fielding's, Smollett's,
> Swift's, Sterne's--which do not resort to the convention of capitalizing
> dominant nouns (dominant nouns being just about any that aren't pronouns,
> gerunds, or pronoun-like terms such as "thing") as well as certain
> adjectives and verbs (for which I have yet to uncover a rationale).  
perhaps it all points to the subjectivity of the speaker molding &/or
upholding 'conventions'? pynchon's is a universe (like 'ours') in which
'subjective' and 'objective' are always at a tug-of-war.

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