spoiler? 200 to be safe

Unknown User RAYGONNE at pacbell.net
Tue May 20 01:35:13 CDT 1997

Paul York wrote:
> I guess what I'm saying is that the simplist and most interesting
> explanation for the capitalization thing is that there is no
> explanation, at least not in the sense of there being some way to
> *systematize* Pynchon's use of caps in _M&D_

i think it's a matter of tp blurring the lines of various narratives,
presenting something like a  more or less transparent clock, tho one
isn't sure where the fassades overlap &etc. i think the capitalization
thing is far from half-assed--it seems well-thought-out if a little (a
lot, probably) hard to make sense of. (i acknowledge that you might have
been suggesting much of what i'm saying here)

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