M&D pp485 spoiler. (fwd)

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at afn.org
Tue May 20 08:28:40 CDT 1997

On Mon, 19 May 1997, Brian Siano wrote:
> Brian Siano - siano at cceb.med.upenn.edu
> "The Internet is an elite organization. Most of the 
> population of the world has never even made a phone call."
> 	-- Noam Chomsky
 Great sig!  I'm going to steal it...

 M a x i m u s  D a v i d  C l a r k e | When you see
          http://www.afn.org/~traveler | The way the pendulum swings
                 "Surrealist-At-Large" | It makes you strive strive strive
                      traveler at afn.org | For better things... --Curve

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