The Morning After...

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at
Tue May 20 21:22:09 CDT 1997

On Tue, 20 May 1997, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:
> Seemed I had 'nother Pynchon dream
> and you all were there, those I had never seen.
> we wore pj's, we were hungover people
> writing our epistles in chalk on timber-moist floors,
> somewhere in England, debating America--
> must've been some party before.
> Oh, andrew, you were a girl :)

Ha!  I had a Pynchon dream just the other night.  Rather startling--he's
never intruded upon my oneiric consciousness before, that I recall.  _He_
never showed up, actually (are you surpised?).  But I found myself standing
outside his home.  It was a tree-surrounded modernish affair--2 stories,
flat grey concrete walls, with a continuous band of darkly tinted window
glass running around each floor.  It had a few odd projections--sharp
angles, curves--but was mostly orthogonal.  I was at the edge of the lawn;
others were around/behind me, some perhaps from this list.  Evidently it was
a regular thing for a small band of devotees to camp out at the foot of the
driveway, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Master. 

At some point, Melanie Jackson came out (somehow I knew it was her).  She
gave a short, rehearsed speech about Pynchon and his home, almost like a
tour guide.  I guess she was trying to placate us and hopefully get rid of
us.  But I followed her up the slope of the lawn, perhaps having received
some hint of further invitation from her.  Around a corner, we came to a
part of the house where the lower floor's wall opened up, forming a recessed
porch.  There was a pool under the overhang of the second floor.  No sign of
TRP.  Next thing I knew, she was making advances toward me, which I
rebuffed, gently, politely, utterly confused.  Shortly thereafter she began
to morph into my fiancee, and lose her clothing.  Just as things were
getting steamy, I woke up.


 M a x i m u s  D a v i d  C l a r k e | The realm of God is dangerous.
 | You must enter into it and not
                 "Surrealist-At-Large" | just seek information about it.
                      traveler at | --Anthony Bloom

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