The Morning After...

still lookin 4 the face i had b4 the world was made traveler at
Wed May 21 17:42:01 CDT 1997

On Wed, 21 May 1997, Meg Larson wrote:
> | On Tue, 20 May 1997, RICHARD ROMEO wrote:
> |< recounts his bizarre dream>
> <Then Maxie chimes in>
> | TRP.  Next thing I knew, she was making advances toward me, which I
> | rebuffed, gently, politely, utterly confused.  Shortly thereafter she
> began
> | to morph into my fiancee, and lose her clothing.  Just as things were
> | getting steamy, I woke up.
> | 
> |You weren't taking care of a deserted old hotel in the middle of a
> Colorado winter, in this dream, by any chance???

Nope.  Like I said, it was Pynchon's ultramod house, presumably somewhere in
upstate Nuevo York. 

Should I recognize the locale to which you are referring?


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