Spoiler? 450 to be safe (was Re: spoiler? 200 to be safe)

Unknown User RAYGONNE at pacbell.net
Wed May 21 22:14:17 CDT 1997

Paul York wrote:I doubt he just handed it over to the editors
> and said, "Hey, while your at it, could you maybe randomly capitalize a
> bunch of my dominant nouns."   

i'm still chuckling about this.

> what we get is the 18th Century thoroughly polluted with 20th
> Centuryisms and a book that's much more concerned with how we look at
> ourselves today than it is about the "real" personages of an earlier
> era.  I guess that's why the book seems to have so much to say about
> what has happened to America since the 18th Century...?  Just some
> thoughts I wanted to throw around.
all very astute points, paul. that last part is dead on, something i've
been thinking but haven't been able to eloquate so well. i accidentally
deleted the part about tp's play with the idea of the historical novel,
also well stated.
>         Paul

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