DFW list reminder

Henry Musikar gravity at nicom.com
Thu May 22 12:00:14 CDT 1997

Maybe we could take all the flaming threads (see Odyseus) there.

On 22 May 97 at 11:19, Dan Schmidt <dfan at harmonixmusic.com> wrote:

> Since there's been a bunch of David Foster Wallace discussion here
> lately, I thought I'd remind people that there is a DFW mailing
> list, which you can join by sending mail to waste at waste.org with
> "subscribe wallace-l" in the body of the message.
> Traffic is pretty low (maybe one or two messages a day), so probably
> both pynchon-l and wallace-l members will be pleased if some of the
> DFW content moves over there.
> -- 
>                  Dan Schmidt -> dfan at harmonixmusic.com,
>                  dfan at alum.mit.edu
> Honest Bob & the                http://www2.thecia.net/users/dfan/
> Factory-to-Dealer Incentives ->
> http://www2.thecia.net/users/dfan/hbob/
>           Gamelan Galak Tika -> http://web.mit.edu/galak-tika/www/

Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner
DON'T PANIC! -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
What, me worry? -- A. E. Newman

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