Difficult (and something about gravity's speed)
Greg Montalbano
Greg.Montalbano at ucop.edu
Fri May 23 12:52:34 CDT 1997
Paolo Cavallo (great name!) opines:
>TRP *is* difficult! He himself said that. You have to read his stuff very
>slowly and carefully to follow the various threads - I can't follow the "just
>flow in the stream" invitation by someone. Important characters cross the scene
>at every page almost without notice, and are back to front 200 pages later.
Maybe I was helped by the practice I received from all those years of
reading Gene Wolfe. (Talk about cryptic & indirect!)
>It's charming, it's even wonderful, surely it's well worth the effort, but it's
>definitely not easy.
>Paul Celan and Dylan Thomas are very difficult great poets. They admitted so.
>Nobody can say "just follow them - don't ask nothing" and pretend to understand
>them and their urge to communicate something very important and very hard to
Probably true about Celan & Thomas - but my point was about Pynchon.
Maybe I was just lucky enough to have my mind twisted in the right
directions for his stuff to make intuitive sense to me.
>Every fundamental interaction in Nature propagates at the speed of light - not
>only gravity. It's required by special relativity.
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