aberrant poststructuralists
dennis grace
amazing at mail.utexas.edu
Sun May 25 01:47:58 CDT 1997
Yeah, yeah. Althusser wacked his ol' lady and Paul de Man was a
collaborator slash sympathesizer and Lacan couldn't keep his pecker in his
pocket and Foucault liked gettin' his hiney shined by leather boys and
Stanley Fish wears silk suits and cheats at poker and Bakhtin wrote a lot
about poop but nothing about sex and I think I read somewhere that Edward
Said is rude. So are we saying the whole poststructural movement is a
Pynchon novel? And while we're on the subject of poststructuralists and
their idiosyncrasies, what colorful little problem does ol' Jacques D
evince? I mean, aside from attempting to undermine Plato (the definitive
Dead White Male; the very fuse in the canon) and creating a whole new
dimension of nearly impenetrable jargon, what're his perversions?
And, aw hell, why are we being so patriarchal about this? Any dirt on
Spivak or Johnson?
Criminy, and foax wonder why TRP avoids the spot light.
Dennis Grace
University of Texas at Austin
English Department
Assistant Instructor
Recovering Medievalist
"Oh God comma I abhor self-consciousness." --JB
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