NA p'r'ps Spoiler Topick

Sojourner sojourner at
Tue May 27 07:07:50 CDT 1997

A Bryf Replie:

bdm at (Brian D. McCary) wrote (in part):

>David Alan Buuck queries:-
>" -on p 648 we're introduced to a group of indians, who are thus named: "the
>Mohawk Chiefs Hendricks, Daniel, and Peter, the Onondaga Chiefs Tanadoras,
>Sachehaandicks, and Tondeghho,-- the Warriors Nicholas, Thomas, Abraham,
>Hanenhereyouwagh, John, Sawattiss, Jemmy, and John Sturgeon, -- the Women
>Socenna and Hanna...."
>any ideas on these names? note the many biblical names.  i'm curious..."
>I grew up in Schenectady, NY (home-town of global spider GE) which was founded
>in the late 1670's by Dutch (!) settlers who struck out from
>Albany on their own.  Their Church was the Dutch Reformed Church (founded or
>chartered by William of Orange, the same William of Orange who later moved
>over to Scotland at the request of the British, if memory serves) 

I'm on page < 100 and I believe there's a Dutch character (one of the
Vrooms?) who makes reference to England "stealing" William of Orange.  If I
was home I could look up more historical info, but I do believe there is a
bit of cheek in jowl sort of poke there.  James Michener's "Covenant" comes
to mind, what with the struggle in Zuid Afrika even today between the
Afrikaaner "Dutch" and the English "Boers" (or literally, "red neck" hehehe).  

Anyone care to follow on more historickal info?

                "Come out, come out, wherever you are,
                 And meet the young lady who came from a bar.."

                                        --Glenda the Good Bartender

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