Victims of cheese malevolent

Thomas Harberd T.E.Harberd at
Wed May 28 14:12:22 CDT 1997

On Wed, 28 May 1997 01:55:44 GMT Mike Weaver wrote:

>   In copying the Guardian report on the cheese rolling 
massacree I left out
> a vital bit of interest to p-listers.  The chap who fell 
down the hill was
> avoiding an eight pound cheese. 
I heard this on the radio last night, and of course it 
seemed just one more of those literary coincidences (having 
read M&D last month).  But what I'm curious about is how the 
guy got in front of the cheese.  Surely the point is to 
catch the cheese?  In which case, what was he doing in front 
of it?  Running too fast?

Tom. H.
"A Bear of Very Little Brain"

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