Brecher_Keith/mskcc_Neurology at
Brecher_Keith/mskcc_Neurology at
Thu Sep 4 19:53:27 CDT 1997
Item Subject: Re: A simple Pynchon:Gaddis analogy
I'm surprised to hear from Meg Larson that M&D held up for her on
re-reading, but I'm frankly alarmed that D O U G M I L L I S O N has
continued to find M&D deeper and more moving the closer he reads and
re-reads. Bowel moving, maybe....
Chris asked what it was I liked about TRP's novels and it's
actually the same stuff he does so badly in M&D. V, CL49, and
GR--especially GR--were great magic acts, but since VINELAND, TRP's
unfortunately shown his easily beguiled audience exactly how he does
his tricks. A better analogy even than Gaddis:FROLIC is Pynch:Wizard
of Oz. Bluster and special effects conceal a tall man behind a curtain
with expensive dental work and a red hat who's got nothing much
to say, but insists on taking 800 pages to say it.
Consequently, I would like to know exactly what Doug Millison has
found so incredibly deep in M&D. One of Nietzsche's epigrams from the
appositely titled TWILIGHT OF THE IDOLS fits M&D very nicely:
"Women are considered profound. Why? Because one never fathoms their
depths. Women aren't even shallow."
This is exactly the case in M&D. TRP's Mircea Eliade/Joe Campbell act is
so thin in VINELAND and M&D that it finally demonstrates just how hollow
the great Holy Center moments of GR and CL49 actually are. Which is
disappointing, though not nearly so much as reading M&D a second time and
having to grit your teeth through all the lame jokes, bad dialogue, and
fake mysticism.
Meg concluded, not incorrectly, that I expected M&D to outdo GR. Sure I
did. Didn't you, Meg? After all, didn't everybody console themselves when
VINELAND came out that it just couldn't be the great, GR-sized novel TRP
had been working on for the last eighteen years? Well, evidently M&D is
that novel and even considered apart from GR and all of TRP's good stuff,
it still sucks. M&D probably should have been a short story. Why TRP felt
compelled to inflate it to an 800 page soporific probably had something to
do with trying to scale GR. Unfortunately, like those poor bastards frozen
on Mount Everest, he didn't make it.
Did I like anything in M&D? Very little. As I mentioned before, some of
the writing is eloquent, but it's generally so thick and gnarly that
reading M&D is like breathing peanut butter. I particularly hate Pitt and
Pliny. In fact, I despise all of Cherrycoke's irritating relatives. And
most of all, 'Brae. Why does TRP have such great fondness for these
annoying adolescent girls (i.e, Prairie)? And, before I forget, the twin
motif calls to mind the fact that M&D did finally prove similar to THE
SOT-WEED FACTOR, to the former's detriment since SOT-WEED is the much
better novel and clearly demonstrates that Barth does capitalized Speech
alot better than TRP. I'll take the Marylandiad over the Pennsylvaniad just
about any day, except Monday (because of what Bob Geldorf said about it).
Finally, I agree that reviews are more self-reviews than objective
statements, but so what? If anybody out there has an objective review of
M&D, please send it on to me immediately so that I can see what one looks
P.S. Who the hell is Harrison Sherwood and why do I care?
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Subject: Re: A simple Pynchon:Gaddis analogy
Author: christinekaratnytsky (christinekaratnytsky at at Internet-SHAR
Date: 9/3/97 9:30 PM
Before responding to specific points in Keith's post, I'd like to ask him
a serious question:
What do you *like* about Thomas Pynchon's novels?
I wasn't able to detect what that might be from your post, as every novel
from V. to Vineland received some fairly devastating criticism, and I
just don't have a clear sense of why you think TRP a worthy writer in the
first place. Can you elucidate? A-&--was there *nothing* in M&D that
you liked? *Nothing* that amused, even?
just asking,
P.S. Harrison Sherwood, where are yooooooou?!
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