Your several IPW abstracts, which world leaders read TRP

David Casseres casseres at
Mon Sep 8 12:51:50 CDT 1997

Eric sez

>Hello, all you fab p-list folks. Just to say I am a bit of the walking
>wounded at the moment---five stiches and a limp. In fact I think I may
>have two limps, one inside and one out, although I don't know what
>it is I am trying to say.

Good lord.  Here's wishing you a speedy and educational recovery.

>PS---I am going to get Prince Charles to read Gravity's Rainbow---
>the only way to save him is to turn him into a cheery, cackling
>mad obsessive bastard.

He can read?

>...By the way, which world leader, minus Havel in Ceck, is most likely
>to read Pynchon? Does Clinton keep a copy in his footlocker? Mandela?
>Maybe Mary Robinson of Ireland? I like Mary Robinson. I think I may have
>had a drink with her and Havel once, but that may have been a dream.

After some hard thought, I find it impossible to think of a single world 
leader except Havel and maybe Mandela (and I'll take your word on 
Robinson) whom I can imagine reading more than a paragraph of Pynchon.  
Sad state of affairs, sez I.  But perhaps I'm wrong, and it's a good 
question to think about.  Imagine a world in which Presidents and 
Chairpeople and such competed by trying to top each others' exegeses of, 
say, the Learned English Dog.


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