The Embattled Keith Strikes Back!

Doug Millison millison at
Wed Sep 10 19:13:08 CDT 1997

Your anti-Pynchon rant remains hopelessly vague and bilious, in the face of
multimegabytes of Pynchon-L  archives overflowing with detailed reasons why
some of us enjoy, study, and discuss Pynchon's works, including M&D. I'll
restrain myself from sending an SASE and make a brief response to the heart
of your complaint.

At 11:27 PM 9/9/97, Brecher_Keith/mskcc_Neurology at wrote:
>TRP stops at the very threshold of revelation

Very few writers usher us any deeper into the mystery, nor can they. The
only literature I know of that doesn't stop at that point is, quite
literally, scripture; even then, getting any deeper seems to require
serious intent on the reader's part, and grace.

Good luck,

D O U G  M I L L I S O N ||||||||||| millison at

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