DC Pynchoners

chris abraham chris at artswire.org
Thu Sep 11 14:32:39 CDT 1997

At 12:50 PM -0500 9/11/97, Ted Samsel wrote:
>Silly boy. There already is an alt.conspiracy full of thrilling
>tales of black helicopters, Rosicrucians, fluoridated water,
>angry cows and do-it-yer-self recombinant DNA.
>tejas at infi.net
>          "I only use my gun whenever kindness fails"
>                                 Robert Earl Keen

yes, but we can have alt.consiracy.waste :-)

chris abraham <chris at tmn.com> +1 202 452 7442 <http://urban.net/chris>
the urban design group  p o box 15163  washington  dc  20003-0163  usa
      "peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god."

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