some comments and a question

Vaska Tumir vaska at
Tue Sep 16 09:18:11 CDT 1997

>From Andrew Dinn:
>Hello! Welcome back! Pleased to hear you! etc.

Same here!  Although I'm not sure my dear Dr. Rana would agree with me....

>> Vaska the intimidating sexist scholar strikes back.
>And what excellent timing!

I know -- almost uncanny, ain't it?!  

>Believe it or not it all started with an unfortunate, or maybe it was
>actually more fortunate than un, gynecological allusion by Paul Mackin
>Check out the full story when it hits the archive.

Thanks for the synopsis: went to the archives last night, but I guess it'll
be another couple to three weeks before that stuff is added on.  Will wait:
what a Patience I am, monument or no!


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