tsk tsk pt.3

Marlene McMullen mcmullenm at vcss.k12.ca.us
Sun Sep 21 22:48:49 CDT 1997

Paul writes:
>Being honest and admitting what you're doing is always a good rule. Would
>ever claim for a minute that when Slothrop meets up with Bianca that the
>of action is NOT the violated female body and all the image connotes down
through the ages in peace and war?  Great writers latch onto a powerful
image when they can.
>Even as do lowly p-listers.
> P.

I have no quarrel with the intentions of the creator of the metaphor that
initiated this discussion. Was it you? But, I do think it is a good thing
for men to be reminded of the impact of the metaphors we tend to choose.
Even though no harm was intended, is it not integrous to see the validity of
the point being made? And, I think Pynchon is an equal opportunity
genitalia-metaphor employer. From rockets to Snow-Balls to herds of Boyish
erections, the male apparatus is duly represented.


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