A Matter of Degrees

Henry Kingman hkingman at well.com
Thu Sep 25 16:18:18 CDT 1997

 From: Sherwood, Harrison <hsherwood at btg.com>

> why _not_
> use 365.25 as the number of degrees in a circle, as they do (did) in
> China, instead of 360?

> You'll notice, Dixon
> digs at Fr. Maire on the next page, "...and 365 and a quarter seems the
> sort of Division Jesuits might embrace,-- the discomfort of all that
> extra calculation...? sort of mental Cilice [chastity belt], perhaps?"
> Isn't this yet one more example of the mysticism/science,
> Medieval/Enlightenment, East/West dichotomies central to M&D?

Yet the Chinese and the Jesuits appear to be in cahoots in Minnesota, where
those weird lead discs are buried...

Wasn't it great how George Washington was planning to sell hemp to NY Fops
to finance the defensive against the Minnesota Chinese and Jesuits? Perhaps
the first instance of government-sponsored domestic drug sales financing a
foreign war...? I was ROTF when I read that one....


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