VLVL(6) - Ch 10 Notes & Questions 3

David Casseres casseres at apple.com
Tue Dec 1 18:01:22 CST 1998

Sebastian sez

>I'm gald someone mentioned Pepperdine, which is my front-runner for the
>"real-world" analog.  I'm not so sure that Pepperdine is very far off,
>since the account of College of the Surf before Weed-mania struck is that
>it was the most unlikely of places for the campus contagion to catch on.
>I don't have the volume with me but I remember references to school
>uniforms (skirts being hiked up and men doffing their jackets were signs
>that the place was beginning to catch the R&R flu), as well as a general
>sense of Eisenhower calm about the place.

Thanks for pointing that out, I had forgotten the description of COTS
before the shit hit the fan.

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