who's who
Jane Grant
grant.jane at eudoramail.com
Wed Dec 16 09:58:45 CST 1998
About fucking time, Jim. I was waiting for someone to figure it out. To quoth Homer, Doh!
On Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:48:23 jim smith wrote:
>sweet jane has pale blue eyes
>jesus, i'm beginning to see the light
>At 19:51 15/12/98 PST, keith woodward wrote:
>>>Quoth Oily Riff:
>>>As you say (or imply. Possibly. I can't remember. Screw it. As *I*
>>>say.) we're all more or less anonymous, given judicious opening of
>>>hotmail accounts.
>>>actually literally - as in I leave in the morning (college loser
>>>freshman style) - packing my bags, merry christmas folks,
>>It's true! It's true! Here's what I'll look like over vacation. A-and
>>how the hell come everybody else is on their way home when I've still
>>got to spend the next two nights with ole Jeems Joker?
>>(Schwitty's still an asshole! [Does that count as a flame?])
>>Keith McWeedwacker
>>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
>jim smith 0961 319040
>especially bilious today http://www.psychedelic.org
>-- Avoid missing ball for high score --
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