Horror Movies

keith woodward woodwaka at uwec.edu
Wed Dec 16 18:46:45 CST 1998

A-and Hayley Mills as McMullen and Woodward?

At 02:30 PM 12/16/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Pynchon-L, We Hardly Knew Ye
>starring Jane Fonda as "Jane Grant"
>and Courtney Love as "the Other Jane Grant"
>and Pee Wee Herman as "yet Another Jane Grant"
>D O U G  M I L L I S O N  [http://www.online-journalist.com]
>"He became a victim of his inexhaustible verbal facility, which allowed him
>to be both brilliantly superficial and ingeniously wrong."
>--John Weightman re Jean-Paul Sartre's later writings
keith w

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