Telly Savalas

davemarc davemarc at
Thu Dec 17 14:58:01 CST 1998

> From: Jane Grant <grant.jane at>

>What's Telly S. doing in this shit? I don't know. Telly doesn't look like
he knows either. Let me know when you figure it out, Dave, okay? 

That's an easy one.  Karmic retribution for his "singing," pure arsenic for
the ears.  (Doesn't matter which came first, so don't even go there.)


PS:  Pleez, ixnay to all on all those "beating a dead horse" posts.  Unless
there's someone on this list who still needs to know familiar folks's POVs
on the intentional phallacy, anonymity, least favorite listmembers,
etc.--in which case, don't let me stop you.  Posters who persist out of
sheer non-consensual sado-masochism should prepare to receive their own
karmic retribution--posters like me who hate flames and "dead horses" are
already suffering mightily.  I've heard that firsthand from the Great
Spirit of the Internet.  Or was it Ms. Manners?

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