
zeno the zetetic zenothezetetic at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 18 10:04:54 CST 1998

Thank you rj for some sensible comments.
Maybe I should also point out that any alleged pynchon fan is going to 
be a bit ridiculous if the start attacking people for PLAYING WITH 
IDENTITY. I mean that sort of thing never happens in the mans novels 
does it.

W.S.Burroughs once wrote of a virus that has the following effect. As 
soon as the host has the (mental) thought "I am right" it triggers the 
(biological) program YOU ARE DEAD. It doesn't exist yet but I hope some 
hacker somewhere invents a net version.

Perhaps its inappropriate for someone who has just joined the list to 
speak of such things but those sort attitudes piss me off mightily.

On Pynchon.
Has anyone noticed the various R.A.Wilson references in Mason and Dixon 
and the entire books parallels with R.A.W.s "Historical Illuminatus 

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